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Updated from the original document: LDSA Primary Enabler Agreement.

This agreement serves to set expectations from the side of the Academy as well as for anyone who accepts a role as a Primary Enabler for an Area of Responsibility. It is meant to represent what we believe is the minimum required for someone to do the job in a way that is fair and best for the organization. It is not meant to pressure anyone into a volunteer job.

Time Commitment

I commit to 2 hours per week on average. We’ve seen that there is a minimum of 3 hours of work, on average, needed to give an AOR everything it needs. Some weeks there will be no work, others you’ll spend 10 hours on, for example, an event. Plus, if you put in your time, you’ll integrate better into the team and get to know people.

Commitment to the Mission and Values

I commit to knowing and acting in accordance with the mission and values as defined in the LDSA Charter. You are expected to know what the mission is and keep it in mind when making decisions. You are expected not to act in ways that are counter to the mission or our values.

Communication Commitment

I commit to communicating with the rest of the team. If you’re struggling, that’s okay. These are not simple positions and the organization has a lot of members. It’s okay to struggle for a bit with something but if it goes on too long, it is your duty to seek help. Finally, if you become unable to hold the position you should communicate this, without shame, to a member of the Executive Team.

Objectives and Key Results Commitment

I commit to define and write down my Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), and then doing my best to reach them. The OKRs document will be stand-alone and may change independently of this one but since you are responsible for defining them there will never be anything on them that is out of your control.

Workload Sharing Encouraged

I commit to recruiting help when I need it. As the name Primary Enabler suggests, the work doesn’t always need to be done by you. In fact, you should recruit other people to help you. Examples of reasons you would want to recruit someone to help are as follows:

You can recruit internally in a public slack channel, open an issue on the Wiki or externally following the guidelines. Do it, it’s fun.

Commitment to Code of Conduct

I have actually read and agree to follow the code of conduct. The same code of conduct applies to everyone no matter what role they play in the organization.

Commitment to be Held Accountable

If I violate any part of this agreement I may be removed from my position. Sounds harsh but it’s a natural part of an agreement like this to outline what are the consequences for violating expectations.

Making the Agreement

Send an email to any member of the Executive Team saying unambiguously that you agree to the above commitment. If not, send a slack message and let them know. If at any point you become unable to perform the job, that is okay, just let them know.