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As clearly explained in the code of conduct, we designed the Academy to be a safe space, where there is physical and psychological safety. Bullying or unprofessional conduct will not be tolerated by any student or staff.

With that in mind, what should you do it you believe that someone is not respecting that principle? First, let’s establish a few principles:

  1. You don’t have to have been the victim to express a concern. If you believe that someone is being bullied, reporting the situation may be helping that person.
  2. You don’t have to be 100% sure. The burden of determining whether there is enough evidence is on us, not on you. If you see something, say something.
  3. You don’t need to own the consequences. Once you have reported something, you can remain 100% anonymous. Even if you are reporting something that happened to you, we will talk about “what happened” without saying who expressed the concern. You will not be cross examined or otherwise forced to be involved.

What constitutes something worth reporting?

We know. This is uncomfortable. Let’s separate two types of issues:

  1. Personal - issues which are related to people’s psychological safety, such as harassment, bullying, sexual harassment, or even general rudeness. We have a 0 tolerance policy towards these, and please, please, please report them if you see them, even if they aren’t affecting you directly. Remember, someone who is being victim of harassment may not feel comfortable speaking out. There is nothing honorable about witnessing this and staying quiet. Saw something? Say something. Don’t think twice about it.
  2. Not personal - issues which don’t affect people directly, such as a student sharing answers or a break of environmental policy. These affect the Academy in a more systematic way, and knowing about them makes the academy better. We understand however that you may not feel comfortable coming forward and that these don’t feel as directly harmful as the “personal” category. Use your best judgement.

How should you express a concern?

You can approach any staff member and explain the situation. The staff member will take this to the Executive Team, and from that point the process is described here.

Alternatively, you can email the Executive Team directly at

What happens after you report a concern?

The process is described here. We will act on the evidence that we have available, but if you do not feel comfortable you will never be made to be involved in the process.

Thank you for reading, and helping make the Academy a safe space for everyone!