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⚠️ Some information in this page might be outdated.

Frequently Asked Questions (and some rarely asked ones too)

This is all very confusing, can I talk to a human?

Yes, you can! All contact details are here

When is the next Academy?

All the main dates can be found here. If applications aren’t open and you want be notified when they open, please leave us your email

What is the Starters Academy?

Please read the Academy Guide carefully. If there are any questions left please feel free to raise an issue or contact us directly.

How do I apply? What are the prerequisites?

Here is the Application process and the Prerequisites section.

Is there any financial support if I can’t afford the student fees?

Yes, we are currently trialing a scholarships program

What will be the size of the students group?

In 2020 the class will be around 100 students. The idea is to have a high teacher-student ratio, and to ensure everyone gets enough support, while still being able to teach a reasonable number of students.

Are meals included in the fee?

This year it is unclear whether we will be serving food due to Covid 19, as the Academy will be mostly (if not entirely) remote. If there are events in person, generally we cover the food.

Will it be any kind of internship possibility at the end of the school?

We are currently working on a jobs page, if you want to learn more contact us at jobs[at]

What language will the classes be in?

English. (…and Python)

Will you teach python?

The starters Academy requires Python, but we do have a prep course that teaches it!

I don’t know any data science, will I be able to make the classes?

Yes! The classes are directed at people who are giving their first steps in the data science world.

Will laptops be provided?

No, you must bring your laptop with you

When will we install the necessary software?

Setup must be done before arrival, we will provide step by step instructions and remote support. Here is the setup that we’ve required in the past.

How do I know if my python is good enough?

A good option would be doing our test. However, for an idea of what will be tested, please read the pre-requisites.

If you have no prior experience with Python, we recommend doing our 1-month Prep Course.