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This page provides an overview of our teaching process and methodology. It describes the structure and format of our materials, the roles of different areas of responsibility in the material creation and maintenance, and an example timeline for the process. Any questions related to teaching should be posted as issues on our wiki repo or the slack teaching channel #teaching.

Academy materials

The teaching material has the form of Jupyter notebooks. This provides an interactive way of learning, as students can run code while reading the explanations. We use learning notebooks to explain the new material and exercise notebooks where the students have to solve graded exercises. We use the nbgrader package to evaluate the exercises. See Using nbgrader for usage examples.

All materials are planned, built and reviewed through github. The repositories are in the Academy GitHub. These are three relevant repositories:

Areas of responsibility

Several areas of responsibility work together to develop and maintain the material. Below is an overview of how they interact and their key responsibilities.


Overall responsibilities:


Overall responsibilities:

We currently have two kinds of teaching instructors:


Overall responsibilities:

Student Success

Overall responsibilities:


Since batch6 we are aligning the Academy with the school year. The timeline represented here follow that logic and provides rough estimates of the months where each part of the process happens. This should serve as a base for volunteers to know when to get involved in different parts of the process.

Batch kick-start

In between batches we take student feedback and together with the rest of the organization debate potential changes to the structure and contents of the academy. We focus mainly on:

The changes are discussed through slack and GitHub issues and finally in a summit. After the decisions are taken, they are documented and we proceed with the preparation of the next batch.

It’s at this point that volunteers should be proactive and share where they would like to work. All allocation is done through our wiki and is coordinated by the teaching and QA leads.

Learning units development

Most of the time, the curriculum does not change dramatically between batches. In the majority of cases there are only slight adjustments.

In general, when improving an existing unit the focus should be:

This process usually takes 1-2 months. It is the responsibility of the instructor and QA to start early and coordinate so that the unit is ready in time bwfore the release date.

An example timeline can be seen below: